
Our tailored coaching methods will help you clarify your aspirations and work out a plan to enable you to achieve your full potential. Through identifying your strengths, ambitions and values, our experienced coach will work with you to help you reach your goals. Having a job that makes you feel excited and passionate and gives you a reason to get up in the morning can make a terrific difference in your life – and a coach can help you achieve that.

Routes to success

Coaching provides a safe space for you to talk through your goals and aspirations and will help you create a workable plan to achieve them. A coach can work with you to create step-by-step strategies to reach your goals and will help keep you accountable.

While friends’ and colleagues’ advice is often coloured by their perception of you and their own (often unconscious) agendas and opinions, a coach will be able to listen without judgement and help you achieve the results that are best for you.

Coaching can increase your confidence and productivity and improve your self-awareness. It is an investment in yourself and your personal development and may even be life-changing.


Individual sessions are a great way to understand your current situation and perspective for further growth. If you are experiencing burnout, feeling under pressure or looking for a way to bring your passion back into working in the non-profit sector, our experienced coach will guide you through the whole process of achieving your goals. The purpose of individual coaching is to enable you to develop an understanding of how to eliminate or manage current obstacles to fulfilling ambitions. Coaching with Aileen Carson does just that.

Coaching can help you achieve the following outcomes:

  • Gaining clarity on the next steps of your career

  • Understanding what is holding you back

  • Learning how to reduce stress and recognise and avoid burnout

  • Learning how to set and communicate your boundaries

  • Learning how to communicate your needs

  • Creating work-life balance

We specialise in working with third-sector managers who are exposed to high levels of stress due to their workload and pressure to achieve results. However, if you are working in any other industry and would like to work with us, please feel free to reach out to us. We will help you find the right balance regardless of your industry.

Coaching is a forward-facing process that will help you set realistic goals and become clear on how to achieve them. Our mission is to deliver bespoke sessions to our clients so they can experience the value and quality of our innovative coaching.

“I can’t recommend Aileen’s coaching highly enough. After a challenging period at work, I was ready to walk away and find a new job. I approached this rather practically, but the beauty of Aileen’s coaching was in creating a space for me to reflect on my learning, my skills and what I truly valued and wanted from work. This has been invaluable. If I choose to move on in time, it will be for the right reasons and into a role where I will flourish. The whole process was easy, welcoming and flexible. Thank you, Aileen.”

— Jane, Third Sector Leader

Get in touch

Work with us to reach your goals.