Unlock your full potential through transformational coaching

Coaching is an effective way of helping you find your right career path by examining your current situation and exploring different options to find the right one for you. Regardless of your motivation to seek a coach, our coaching sessions will allow you to establish your goals and ambitions. We specialise in coaching third-sector professionals and neurodivergent people who are facing challenges in their work and who want to progress with their careers, but know they need to make changes in their lives to reduce stress and avoid burnout. Our unique approach is tailored to individual needs.

Meet our coach

I’m Aileen Carson and I’m a certified coach with an MBA. I’ve spent 15 years working in third-sector organisations and the experience I’ve acquired has enabled me to understand the difficulties my clients face. Working as a coach allows me to fulfil my passion to use this experience to help people realise their ambitions and create an ideal balance that allows them to pursue a successful career.

I also work with neurodivergent people to help them make the most of the strengths and identify strategies to enable them deal with any challenges they may be facing in the workplace.

Does this sound familiar? 

  • You’re a manager who is struggling to juggle all the demands placed on you at work and needs help finding more effective ways of dealing with stress and increasing resilience.

  • You’re constantly being pulled in different directions, either by your manager or your team.

  • You’re looking for a way to regain the passion for a job you once loved as you’re under constant pressure to produce results.

  • You’re worried about burning out if nothing changes.

  • You’re keen to regain the confidence in your abilities as the environment you’re in has made you feel as though you’re not effective in your work.

  • You need the space to think about the next steps of your career as you’re exhausted.

    If so, we can be your solution. Aileen has three decades of professional experience, 15 of those in the third sector.

Take the first step and we will help you: 

  • Work out the next steps of your career

  • Find a job that is aligned with your strengths and values

  • Recognise the signs of burnout so you can avoid it

  • Manage stress and pressure

  • Plan your personal and professional development

  • Regain your confidence and passion

We offer individual sessions that can take place over the course of five or six months, depending on your availability. If you are ready to break the cycle and make a positive change in your life, don't hesitate to contact us.